VCU students walk-out of commencement during Glenn Youngkin speech

Virginia Commonwealth University students walked out of their own graduation ceremony Saturday when Governor Glenn Younkin delivered the commencement speech.

Virginia Commonwealth University students walked out of their own graduation ceremony Saturday when Governor Glenn Younkin delivered the commencement speech.

Video shared by WVTF reporter Brad Kunter shows a sizable group of students walking out of the ceremony while Youngkin first began speaking.

The students walked out of Youngkin’s speech for various reasons, ranging from his support of Israel to his education policies, according to WIRC.

Fox News reported that the students who walked out of the ceremony marched around the perimeter of the building while chanting “No books, no peace, let the knowledge increase” and “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest.”

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One student who walked out of the event told WVTF: “My family is going to be mad, but it’s worth it for what he’s done to Back and trans people.”