Conservative Campus Hero: Stopped biased funding program favoring liberal student groups; sued university

Conservative Campus Hero

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Justin Pulliam
Texas A&M University
Texas Aggie Conservatives

Activism Highlights on Campus: 
Stopped biased funding program favoring liberal student groups; sued university
Opposed campus GLBT Center; caught “Fun Sex Seminar” on video; helped advance legislation
Fought In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens in Student Government

With the guidance and assistance of the Leadership Institute, Justin is perhaps the top student activist nationwide. While at Texas A&M, he fought the Left on campus on a variety of issues garnering local, state, and national media coverage along the way.

When President Obama spoke at A&M, Justin organized a protest that included street theater costumes (Grim Reaper for Socialized Medicine and Dr. Obama). During the protest, he spoke out against socialized medicine on MSNBC and was profiled by the New York Times.

As a senator in student government, he fought against in-state tuition for illegal aliens and introduced a bill which attempted to counter this policy. Justin’s efforts made him the national conservative student voice against the Dream Act and illegal immigration which resulted in several media appearances, including Fox News.

Under his leadership, the Texas Aggie Conservatives exposed a pornographic sex seminar through video and opposed the GLBT Center on campus. The video helped advance legislation for equal funding for traditional family values on Texas public campuses.

Lastly, Justin sued Texas A&M for discrimination in denying conservative student groups equal access to student group funding on campus. The university will likely settle out of court.