VIDEO: Students say President Obama’s handling of scandals and Obamacare rollout 'deceitful,' 'incompetent'
President Obama and his administration’s handling of several scandals have been “deceitful,” according to students at the University of Northern Colorado - Greeley.
In an interview with Campus Reform on Wednesday students expressed doubts that Obama has been blind to scandals like Fast and Furious, or the false promises within the Obamacare rollout.
Watch students “There’s no way he couldn’t have known about that”
“He just thought it would be a better idea to say ‘nope, didn’t have any idea,’ kind of like a kid would,” said one student.
The President and his administration have on several occasions invoked plausible deniability when publicly discussing scandals such as the IRS targeting of conservative groups, Fast and Furious gun running, the NSA spying on world allies, the DoJ spying on reporters and recent revelations that the President knew millions of Americans would lose their health insurance plans.
Students were asked if they believed the administration was being transparent, incompetent or deceitful in the explanation offered.
“Probably deceit, he has to know something” said one student
When asked about the administration knowing, for 3 years, that 50-75 percent of individually insured Americans would lose their coverage due to Obamacare, students said that the President’s promise that Americans would be able to keep their health insurance plans was “completely deceitful.”
“That was the President being completely deceitful, 100 percent deceitful, that’s terrible.”
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