Butler University offers ‘Singing Beyond the Binary’ event featuring ‘trans and non-binary singers’

The school invites students to ‘[e]xplore identity-affirming repertoire selections that celebrate the richness and diversity of gender expression.’

It also states that ‘we provide gender-neutral restrooms in every building, self-identifying pronoun pins for all attendees, and expert guidance from our trans faculty members.’

The School of Music at Butler University in Indiana is hosting an event featuring “trans and non-binary singers.”

“Singing Beyond the Binary – an Identity-Affirming Voice Event” will take place from Feb. 21 to Feb. 23. 

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The event invites “high school and college students” to [i]mmerse yourself in a weekend of musical empowerment and self-discovery at our gathering for trans and non-binary singers”; “[e]xplore identity-affirming repertoire selections that celebrate the richness and diversity of gender expression”; and “[e]ngage in authentic musical storytelling workshops led by our talented trans and non-binary faculty.”

Students can also sing during a “cabaret performance.” 

The school alerts participants that “we provide gender-neutral restrooms in every building, self-identifying pronoun pins for all attendees, and expert guidance from our trans faculty members.”

Teachers are also invited to attend to “[w]itness trans-affirming pedagogy in action and empower yourself to create truly affirming environments where all voices can thrive” and “[d]elve into trans terminology and gender neutral voice pedagogy.”

The “featured guests” include Ari Agha, a “genderqueer singer” and “proud advocate of feminism,” and Danielle Cozart Steele, whose “research involves the integration of transgender singers into their preferred-gender ensemble.”

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Other colleges have also offered events and programs for students to participate in so-called “gender-affirming” voice exercises. 

Russell Sage College, for example, is offering a new program in the spring semester called the “Gender-Affirming Voice Program,” marketed for “gender-diverse individuals who seek to modify their voices to match their identities.”

The program not only teaches students how to change their voice, but also how to modify their “coughing, sneezing, and throat-clearing, because these often affect listener perception of gender.”

Campus Reform contacted Butler University for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.