How Campus Reform is launching careers in media: Charlotte Hazard

Charlotte Hazard began working for Campus Reform in May 2021.

Today, Hazard is a Reporter at Just the News. She covers education, elections, and John Solomon and Amanda Head’s evening show “Just the News, No Noise.”

Charlotte Hazard began working for Campus Reform in May 2021 when she was a rising senior at Liberty University. She majored in journalism and minored in government.

Her undergraduate career also consisted of internships with Just the NewsMedia Research Centerand National Journalism Center.

Covering topics such as critical race theory and student government, Hazard was a crucial asset to Campus Reform during her time in the correspondent program. 

She attended multiple trainings to develop her writing and interview skills and is also a graduate of the Leadership Institute’s Youth Leadership School.

Today, Hazard is a Reporter at Just the News. She covers education, elections, and John Solomon and Amanda Head’s evening show “Just the News, No Noise.” 

When reflecting on her time in the program, Hazard said, “My time at [Campus Reform] helped me construct my craft, make connections, and get out of my comfort zone. I would recommend that all aspiring journalists apply to be a correspondent. You won’t regret it.”

Apply to be a Campus Reform Correspondent here and launch your media career.