Conservative Campus Heroes: Swept the Student Government Elections with Conservative Ticket

Conservative Campus Heroes


Gregory Carlson                    Andrew Yoder

University of Colorado Boulder

Activism Highlight on Campus:

Swept the Student Government Elections with Conservative Ticket

On March 31, 2011, the Leadership Institute trained 33 conservatives at Colorado-Boulder University in its Campus Election Workshop (CEW).  Conservative students Greg Carlson and Andrew Yoder helped bring LI’s training program to campus so they could to re-take the student government against fierce opposition from two other political parties.

Greg and Andrew employed LI’s CEW methods for their conservative INVEST ticket with an incredible success rate.  Every single student who ran on the INVEST ticket won the election, and the conservative students now were in complete control over the student government.

Gregory Carlson and Andrew Yoder lead their team to win the offices of President, VP of Internal and External Affairs, 4 Colorado University Student Government Representative at large positions, 2 ASSG Co-Executive positions, 5 ASSG Representative positions, the UCEC President, 2 UCEC VPs, 2 UCEC Senators, and 7 UCEC Representatives.

Greg and Andrew crafted a conservative agenda  and were able to cut the $36 million budget by $1 million and defund CoPIRG, as well as other liberal programs that received disproportionate funding.