Indiana AG says universities who fail to adequately respond to Jew-hatred will face 'consequences'

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita called upon schools to do more to combat on-campus anti-Semitism, warning that they could risk losing federal funding.

Rokita wrote that the establishment of campus 'liberated' zones and 'encampments' are 'completely unacceptable.'

The top law enforcement official in the state of Indiana is urging schools to crack down on discrimination against Jews on campus.

In a series of letters to state colleges and universities, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita called upon institutions to do more to combat on-campus anti-Semitism, warning that schools that fail to comply could risk losing federal funding.

“My office has received numerous reports that individuals and various student groups on your campuses have provoked antisemitic activity against Jewish and Israeli students,” the letter reads. “Students and outsiders have even resorted to forming ‘encampments’ and ‘liberated’ zones on your campuses, publicly showing their support for Hamas and targeted animus towards the State of Israel and Jewish students. This is completely unacceptable.”

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Rokita’s letter cites Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws discrimination on the basis of “race, color, and national origin” in the case of persons and institutions that receive federal assistance. It also points to an executive order signed by former President Donald Trump, which establishes the executive branch’s obligation to apply Title VI in cases of “prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by Title VI.”

Rokita’s letter comes in the wake of anti-Israel protests at several of Indiana’s premier universities, many of which have resulted in one or more protesters being apprehended by law enforcement. One recent demonstration took place outside of Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb’s private residence, during which law enforcement made 14 arrests on traffic obstruction charges after asking protesters to desist multiple times.

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The attorney general also cites a collection of federal laws that prohibit “providing material support or resources, training, or assistance to foreign terrorist organizations,” and advises universities to be cautious in giving funds to student organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine and the Palestine Solidarity Committee. He warned that such groups had expressed support for Hamas’ attacks against Israel on Oct. 7.

“I strongly encourage you to enforce university codes of conduct and the law when necessary to put an end to antisemitism and the promotion of terrorism on your campuses,” Rokita’s letter concludes. “That way we can ensure that all students, including our Jewish brothers and sisters, are safe and have an equal access to education.”

Campus Reform has reached out to Todd Rokita and Indiana University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.