Ivy Leaguers pour money into Hillary campaign
Ivy League academics, staff, and students are donating overwhelmingly to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, according to records provided by the Federal Electoral Commission.
As of September 24, donations to America for Hillary from affiliated donors at the eight elite universities have totaled $248,907, or 87.51% of all donations.
Bernie Sanders comes in at a distant second with $18,851, or 6.63%. Sanders’s fundraising posted a strong performance at Dartmouth, where he received 56% of donations. That strength might not come as a surprise; according to RealClearPolitics, Sanders has been performing well in New Hampshire, where he now leads Clinton in polls.
Even at a distant second, Sanders received more Ivy League affiliated donations than all Republican candidates combined.
The only four GOP candidates receiving donations are Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz. Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio. Combined, they have earned $13,339, less than five percent of donations. Republicans also failed to receive any donations at Brown, Dartmouth, and Princeton.
Republicans performed best with Columbia University affiliated donors, where they earned 9.74% of donations. However, this was due to $5,400 in donations from two donors who donated the maximum amount for individuals.
A candidate’s alumni status at a university may impact donations. Donors at Yale University, where Clinton attended law school, have given over $95,000 alone to her campaign, more than any other Ivy League university.
Yale Professor of Management Rick Antle told Yale News that Clinton’s connection to the university as an alumna contributes to, “a tangible manifestation of the community spirit at Yale.”
However, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School, has yet to receive a donation from an employee of either institution.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, educators nationwide have given $6,645,805 in individual campaign contributions so far this election cycle. Educators spent $65.1 million in the 2012 presidential race, with three-quarters of the funds going to Democrat candidates.
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