Melinda Gates to 'center human values' at Stanford commencement

Stanford University recently announced Melinda French Gates, wife of Bill Gates, as its 2024 commencement speaker.

Gates is heavily involved in liberal nonprofits, including Pivotal Ventures, which gave $1 billion toward 'expanding women’s power and influence in the United States.'

One of the leading universities based in Santa Clara County, California is set to host a leading liberal philanthropist. 

On April 2, Stanford University announced Melinda French Gates, wife of Bill Gates, as its 2024 commencement speaker. The ceremony will take place on June 16 at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California.

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French Gates is co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on “fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world.” In 2020, the nonprofit contributed over $182,000 to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Stanford President Richard Saller described Gates as having “worked to increase access to opportunity, advance equity, and accelerate social progress.” He also said that “Melinda’s unique insights will encourage our graduates to center human values as they leave Stanford to forge their own paths,” according to the Stanford Report.

Stanford also posted the announcement to its Instagram account, which generated varying perspectives in replies.

One user expressed her concerns, stating, “let’s hope she stays out of politics and the ‘left’ sponsored agenda.” Another user commented, “New drinking game: take a shot every time she says ‘equity.’”

The founder of Pivotal Ventures, French Gates focuses heavily on “social progress” surrounding women’s issues in the workplace and politics. “Our biggest goal so far, with a commitment of $1 billion, is expanding women’s power and influence in the United States,” the group writes on its web page.

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In February 2021, Campus Reform reported that the Gates Foundation was helping to develop “A Pathway to Equitable Instruction,” which is a curriculum that addresses “barriers to math equity” by offering materials and “opportunities for ongoing self-reflection as they seek to develop an anti-racist math practice.”

French Gates and the Gates Foundation reportedly donated $1,000,000 to the group to “confront systemic racism” in mathematics. 

Phoebe Gates, daughter of Melinda and Bill, is expected to graduate from Stanford this June.

Campus Reform has contacted Stanford University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.