New York University to hold ‘Anti-Racist Pedagogy’ workshop

The workshop ‘extends the ongoing conversation about anti-racist pedagogy by providing participants with practical strategies to be directly applied in classrooms.’

‘Anti-racist pedagogy’ is meant to allegedly ‘examine the role of education in disrupting white supremacy.’

New York University will organize a workshop on “Anti-Racist Pedagogy as Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for the Classroom” for faculty. 

The workshop will take place on Feb. 7. 

New York University claims that “[e]ducators are increasingly confronted with complex and sensitive social issues in today’s educational environments,” and that “[t]hese challenges, if addressed, can significantly improve morale and motivation, fostering our ability to create productive and inclusive spaces for learning and growth.”

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The workshop thus “extends the ongoing conversation about anti-racist pedagogy by providing participants with practical strategies to be directly applied in classrooms,” and will “combine interactive discussions, role-playing exercises, and reflective activities.”

Any faculty member who is “interested in further developing their ability to hold space for critical conversations in their classrooms” is free to participate, though “[e]nrollment is capped at 40.”

“Anti-racist pedagogy,” a term also used by other universities, refers to using “disruptive teaching” and the “framework of anti-racism” to “critically examine the role of education in disrupting white supremacy,” according to one definition from the University of Michigan. 

“Learning Objectives” for participants in New York University’s workshop include “ Recogniz[ing] the critical role of anti-racist pedagogy in fostering open and productive dialogue” and “Apply[ing] strategies to manage emotional responses and differentiate between microaggressions and disagreements.”

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The presenters in the workshop are  Dr. Linda Lausell-Bryant, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; Dr. Steve Burghardt of the Hunter Silberman School of Social Work, and  Dr. Mohan Vinjamuri of Lehman University. 

“Anti-racism” is a concept popularized by the activist Ibram X. Kendi. It is a concept that has proven controversial, and alleges, among other ideas, that “[t]he only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination.”

Campus Reform has contacted New York University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.