Pro-life group hidden by abortion advocates at social justice fair
After initially being denied access to a recent social justice fair, a Students for Life chapter was assigned a table directly behind its pro-choice counterpart in what members call an “intentional way” to silence pro-life voices.
Images from California State University at Dominguez Hill’s annual Labor, Social, and Environmental Justice Fair confirm that the school’s pro-choice club had an informative table what appeared to be deliberately placed in front of one belonging to its pro-life opponents, which Students for Life believe was an “intentional” act of “revenge.”
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Indeed, as had previously been reported by The College Fix, the pro-life club’s application to participate in the annual fair was initially denied because the “organization [did] not fit within the framework of this particular event,” though the decision to exclude pro-life students was reversed after publication.
Now, however, club member Bagni Maldonado is alleging that organizers of the fair “strategically placed [Students for Life] behind a pro-choice table, blocking [pro-life students] from the view” of passersby.
“The pro choice table was put there, in my opinion, as an intentional way to shut us up and keep us invisible,” he told Campus Reform, remarking that the images make it perfectly clear that “they were bitter at the fact that we were admitted and the organizers, specifically the Labor and Social Justice club in conjunction with the Labor Studies Department, decided to take revenge on us by doing what they did.”
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In one image, a member of the pro-choice organization is pictured standing in front of the Students for Life table holding a pro-abortion sign in a deliberate attempt to obstruct students’ view of the pro-life materials.
“What they did was very unprofessional and childish,” Maldonado commented, saying that “from the very beginning” the whole process “did not seem fair.”
Campus Reform reached out to the primary contact listed for the annual fair for comment on the matter, but did not receive a response in time for publication.
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