SJP chapters organize to 'surround the White House' after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to 'beseige' Biden's residence

Several Students for Justice in Palestine chapters are set to travel to Washington D.C. to "surround the White House" just days after Hamas and other Palestinian organizations issued a call for students to "besiege" President Biden's residence.


Several Students for Justice in Palestine chapters are set to travel to Washington D.C. to “surround the White House” just days after Hamas and other Palestinian organizations issued a call for students to “besiege” President Biden’s residence.

Students for Justice in Palestine at both North Carolina State University and Duke University have posted a graphic for the June 8 protest, which reads “Biden, we are your red line. Stop the genocide. Surround the White House!”

”Biden can’t draw the line, but we have. On June 8, we’ll come together from across the country and surround the White House. Wearing red, and raising our demands high, we’ll show the world that we are the red line,” the groups wrote in the Instagram post.

The ANSWER Coalition and Peoples Forum NYC posted on Instagram that buses are being made available for transportation to the event from all over the country, including Dearborn, Michigan; Des Moines, Iowa; Portland, Maine; and more.

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The announcement of the protest comes just one day after a group of Palestinian organizations, including terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, released a message to college students through the “Student Frameworks Secretariat” that called on them to “besiege the White House.”

”We call on you to besiege the White House in Washington, and to surround the palaces, headquarters and ministries of Western colonial governments and Zionist embassies, and the buildings and offices of the corporations that finance the Zionist entity and arm its criminal army with all kinds of bombs and means of death and destruction,” the groups wrote. “Therefore, we call on you to blockade them until the American Zionist aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip stops.”

”We in the Gaza Strip look at you with pride and honour, as you are a revolutionary fighting vanguard, and a natural and integral part of our Palestinian liberation movement,” they added.

While on The Federal Newswire’s “Lunch Hour” earlier in May, Campus Reform Editor-In-Chief Zachary Marschall said that universities have lost control of their campuses.

”I don’t think there’s any university in control of its own campus right now,” Marschall said. “When the universities that have done the best, you know, job calling the police, arresting students right away, the universities have done the right thing, are learning this week that that’s not enough, and they are undeterred.”

”And I’ve said before publicly, if it sounds like a conspiracy, that’s because it is,” Marschall said.

Shortly after the statement from the Palestinian Student Movement, which includes Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Wednesday also issued a statement in support of American protesters who are against Israel.

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”Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history,” Khamenei said. “You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure - which openly supports Zionists.”

Beyond America, international college students are also taking cues after the Palestinian Student Movement’s message.

According to an Instagram story from the National Students for Justice in Palestine, anti-Israel protests are set to take place at the Egyptian Embassies located in Berlin, London, and New York City on June 1-3.