Sonoma State University president makes boycott deal with protesters, gets put on leave

​The President of Sonoma State University has been suspended after making an agreement with its Students for Justice in Palestine chapter in order to end their encampment.

The President of Sonoma State University has been suspended after making an agreement with its Students for Justice in Palestine chapter in order to end its encampment.

According to KCRA, California State University system Chancellor Mildred García said Wednesday the agreement was made “without the appropriate approvals.”

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“For now, because of this insubordination and consequences it has brought upon the system, President Lee has been placed on administrative leave,” García said of Sonoma State University President Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee.

Lee agreed to “disclosure and divestment” of investments affiliated with Israel, an academic boycott of Israel, an institutional statement of ceasefire, and the recognition of Palestinian identity being worked into the curriculum.

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The “Advisory Council of Students for Justice in Palestine” would have been set up as part of the agreement “as a mechanism to ensure SSU administration accountability for all agreements,” according to the university’s statement on Tuesday. 

Lee later apologized for making the agreement, stating “In my attempt to find agreement with one group of students, I marginalized other members of our student population and community. I realize the harm that this has caused, and I take full ownership of it.”

One parent of a Jewish student at the university harshly criticized the deal in comments to the Jewish Journal: