Students who invaded Stanford president’s office and injured cop slapped with felony charges

Anti-Israel activists took over a building at Stanford University and thoroughly vandalized it before being arrested on Wednesday.

The protesters are facing felony charges, and seniors in the group will not be allowed to graduate.

Screenshot taken from X account of BreakThrough News.

Thirteen anti-Israel protesters who invaded and occupied Stanford University’s president’s office were charged with felonies by the school, with some being forbidden from graduating as a result. 

On Wednesday, the protesters forcefully entered the building that serves as the office of Stanford’s president and provost. The activists, who included 11 current students, left graffiti throughout the Main Quad before barricading themselves in the office building, such as “Death 2 US,” “F*** Amerikkka,” and “Kill Cops.”

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The students, part of the People’s University for Palestine group, demanded that Stanford divest from businesses that have ties to Israel, including Hewlett-Packard.

A spokesperson for the anti-Israel students said that they would “remain inside the building” and “[refuse] to leave until their demands are met.” Stanford leadership, however, refused to give in, and campus police, together with the Santa Clara County police, dispersed the protestors from the building. 

The activists injured one police officer and vandalized the office before being removed. 

The Stanford Review obtained the names of students who were arrested. They are listed below:

Gretchen Rose Guimarin - Senior

Cameron Michael Pennington - Senior

German Rafael Gonzalez - sophomore

Eliana Lindsay Fuchs - senior

Hunter A Taylorblack - senior

Zoe Georgia Edelman - junior

Isabella Terrazas - senior

Dilan Suraj Gohill, a freshman, was also arrested. He was covering the incident for the Stanford Daily. John Thomas Richardson, Kaiden Wang, and Maya Nell Murungi Burke were also among the students arrested.

The protesters are now facing felony charges for their actions, and seniors in the group will be barred from graduation. University President Richard Saller and Provost Jenny Martinez announced: “In addition to going through the law enforcement process, any arrested individuals who are students will be immediately suspended. Any who are seniors will not be allowed to graduate. These actions are necessary based on the public safety threat posed to our campus community.”

The university leaders also condemned the anti-Israel activists’ vandalism: “In addition to damage done inside the building, protesters committed extensive graffiti vandalism on the sandstone buildings and columns of the Main Quad this morning. This graffiti conveys vile and hateful sentiments that we condemn in the strongest terms. Whether the graffiti was created by members of the Stanford community or outsiders, we expect that the vast majority of our community joins us in rejecting this assault on our campus.”

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One Stanford University student, Sarah Lebaron, said that the activists’ actions appeared counterproductive: “I think the goal [of the protesters] is to have Stanford divest from Israel. That is their stated goal. But I don’t see how these actions necessarily lead to that goal.”

Campus Reform has contacted Stanford University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.