UPDATE: Bama pro-life group will have its abortion display restored
The director of the University of Alabama’s Ferguson Center has apologized to a pro-life group that had its abortion display secretly removed.
The display, which had been put up by Bama Students for Life, contained two small photos of aborted babies, pictures of women who have died as a result of abortions, and a photo of convicted late-term abortion physician Kermit Gosnell.
As previously reported by Campus Reform, the student center took down the display on the grounds that some students had found it offensive, though the university’s display case policy mentions nothing about offensive or graphic content.
Bama Students for Life President Claire Chretien noticed that the display had been taken down ahead of schedule and spoke with Student Center Event Coordinator Donna Lake, who told her in a recorded conversation that “[y]ou guys were lucky to get it up there as long as you did.”
The group then wrote to Carl Bacon, the Ferguson Center’s director, complaining about the removal. As reported by The Tuscaloosa News, Bacon responded Monday with an apology and an offer to restore the display for two days. Chretien said the group is planning to put the display back up on Thursday.