White House directed Cabinet members to push ‘Obamacare’ in commencement speeches
The White House has instructed Cabinet members and senior officials to use 2013 commencement addresses to promote the supposed benefits of “Obamacare,” Bloomberg Businessweek reported on Thursday.

The White House has apparently instructed Cabinet members and senior officials to use commencement speeches as a platform to promote the President’s landmark health care law.
According the report, President Obama summoned twenty senior administration officials to an hour-long meeting in the White House’s Roosevelt room to discuss strategies for defending his landmark healthcare law which remains largely unpopular three years after it was signed into law.
In the meeting, officials were instructed to highlight the Obamacare provision that allows individuals to stay on their parents’ insurance plan until the age of 26, Bloomberg Business reported.
“To counter the criticism [of Obamacare], the White House has told all Cabinet members and senior officials to use commencement speeches to drive home for graduating college students and their parents the benefits they gain from a provision of the law that allows young adults to stay on their family’s insurance plans until they turn 26,” it reads.
Campus Reform has confirmed First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, are all scheduled to deliver keynote speeches at commencement ceremonies this year.
The White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Campus Reform.
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