WSU student senator wants CRs suspended over 'Trump Wall'
A Washington State University student senator wants the school’s College Republicans chapter to be suspended for building a “Trump Wall” on campus.
Student Senator Jordyn Beckford made the comment in a Facebook post in response to the news that the CR’s would be constructing a “Trump Wall” in October, Refined Right reports, complaining that it is the second time such a display would be erected in the state after the University of Washington CR’s built one in May.
“I really hope they [the College Republicans] get banned from campus again for doing this racist bs [sic] for the 2nd time at WSU,” Beckford says in a Facebook post. “This is way beyond free speech…”
CR leaders worry that her efforts might impede their ability to function as a club on campus.
“She is a senator, and her job is to represent the diversity of all students on campus,” WSU College Republicans president and Chairman of Washington State College Republicans Federation James Allsup told Refined Right. “’Diversity’ does not just apply to ethnic minorities; it applies to diverse viewpoints as well, and for her to call for College Republicans to be banned for campus shows a complete disregard for intellectual diversity.”
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“Imagine what would happen if an all-campus senator called for Black Lives Matter to be banned from campus: it would be a hate crime,” Allsup asserted. “But, as we’ve seen on college campuses across the country, it’s okay for conservatives to be targeted and lied about while the university does nothing.”
Allsup responded to the post by arguing that Beckford’s comments constituted a violation of the Associated Students at Washington State University’s rules, but Beckford challenged his claims in another Facebook post.
“So now expressing my political views on my Facebook page is illegal and against the Code of Ethics (which is completely inaccurate!) Also, I am an UNCERTIFIED Senator, not All Campus (there is a difference),” she declares. “So please get your facts straight about everything before you go reporting on something you have no knowledge of! Thank You!”
The comments came after The Daily Evergreen, the school’s newspaper, published an article in claiming that CR members had brought firearms to a Black Lives Matter rally, which Allsup described as part of a consistent pattern of bias against the club.
“At least one woman left her children at home because she worried there would be armed counter protesters,” the article reads. “Black Lives Matter rallies are not violent, people of color are not violent. The only violent people and the only violent group were them [the College Republicans].”
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“Unfortunately they have demonstrated that they are perfectly okay with ignoring the truth in order to reprint slander about College Republicans,” Allsup said of the student newspaper. “They have printed false accusations about us and are acting surprised when we fight back.”
"We have seen the left on campus try their hardest to censor conservatives. We have been threatened violently, targeted at our workplaces, and called every name imaginable--racist, sexist, Nazis, and the list goes on," he elaborated in an email to Campus Reform. "Having a campus senator openly admits she wants us banned is unprecedented, however. How are we supposed to get a fair hearing from the student government if one of their representatives openly calls for our removal from campus?"
Campus Reform reached out to Beckford for comment, but did not receive a response in time for publication.
Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @AutumnDawnPrice