University of Massachusetts provides abortion pills

The University of Massachusetts offers medical abortion pills to students.

The decision puts the university in line with state law.

The University of Massachusetts (UM) offers medical abortion pills to students to comply with a law sponsored by state Representative Lindsay Sabadosa which required all public universities in the state to provide medication abortion. 

Students can obtain medical abortion pills by visiting a physician at Campus Health Services. UM offers over-the-counter and prescription pain medication if the student requires it, as well as “confidential methods of payment for the abortion pill for students who wish to be discrete in their care treatments.”

While UM decided a buffer zone, a space designated for students to receive abortion pills without being disturbed by pro-life protestors, was not necessary. 

UM Medical Director, George Corey told The Massachusetts Daily Collegian “UMPD would be involved and all actions would be taken to assure the safety of all UHS patients.”

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UM assistant anthropology professor Achsah Dorsey stated in the announcement that “having access to medication abortion at UHS will certainly decrease the anxiety and stress that comes with identifying an abortion provider, organizing travel to and from, and knowing where they can go with questions or to receive additional help.” 

Dorsey also urged the university to create special plans of action “to protect students whose residential status is located in areas of the United States where abortion has been or is in the process of being criminalized.”

Kate Scott, the president of UMass Students for Life, expressed her concern about the bill to Campus Reform.

“Chemical abortions end the life of an innocent preborn human being, and they pose a threat to the woman’s health as well,” Scott explained. “UMass does not offer emergency care and is unprepared to handle complications caused by chemical abortions.”

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Scott also described the precarious situation women who took the pill would experience due to lack of privacy. 

“Furthermore, many students live on campus in dorms and do not have access to private bathrooms. This means students taking chemical abortion pills would be expected to go through labor in shared bathrooms in dorms with 6 floors and no elevator. This situation is not comfortable or safe for students since emergency care providers would have difficulty accessing these areas,” she said. 

Support for abortion is rising on college campuses across the country. 

As reported recently by Campus Reformthe College of William and Mary’s Student Assembly recently voted to subsidize the cost of Plan B and The University of Florida’s Student Government Judiciary Committee sought to introduce a bill intended to reimburse students for abortion-related expenses. 

Medical Students for Choice at the University of Texas A&M recently held a workshop about “Options for Self-Managed Abortion.”

Campus Reform has contacted all parties mentioned and this article will be updated accordingly.