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Savana Kascak '25
Nebraska Correspondent

About Savana

Savana Kascak is from Thornton, Colorado, and is a student at Hastings College in Nebraska. She plays women's basketball for her university, and is majoring in Political Science and minoring in Communications. She plans to pursue a career as a Political Journalist, and is passionate about informing the misinformed, spreading truth and freedom to the American people, and opening their eyes by empowering them to think and act. Savana is a reporter for the local newspaper in Hastings (Hastings Tribune), she has interned for the Independence Institute working on second amendment rights in Colorado, and has written for the Denver-based media source Complete Colorado. Both in high school and in college, Savana has personally experienced liberal bias, having felt shut out, shunned, belittled, demeaned, and even personally insulted because of her conservative ideals and political views. She hopes that her voice will enable others to use theirs.

Stories by Savana