Columbia SJP honors terrorist who participated in attack that left 33 Israelis dead

​The Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine chapter on Wednesday appeared to honor a terrorist who participated in an attack that left 33 people dead in Israel.

The Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine chapter on Wednesday appeared to honor a terrorist who participated in an attack that left 33 people dead in Israel.

The Telegram message, first reported by Jessica Schwalb, highlighted Dalal Mughrabi and her role in the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre in Israel.

Columbia SJP wrote in the Telegram channel that Mughrabi “broke off an engagement” to an individual who was “displeased with her taking up arms in service of Palestinian liberation.”

Mughrabi was one of the individuals part of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a terrorist group, that carried out the Coastal Road Massacre, which included hijacking a bus.

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”We do not want to kill you. We are only holding you as hostages to free our brothers detained in the prisons of your alleged state...We are a people demanding their right to their homeland, which you stole. What brought you to our land?” Mughrabi told the people on the bus, she took out a Palestinian flag and said “My country, my country, you have my love and my heart.”

The Columbia SJP wrote that Dalal was “martyred” during the terrorist attack.

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According to the Israeli Defence Forces, 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed. Another 71 were wounded in the attack.