MAP: 28 states and counting have introduced or passed campus free speech legislation
At least twenty-eight states have introduced campus free speech legislation. Twelve of them have signed bills into law while the remaining 16 have introduced bills but have yet to pass them.
Iowa, Oklahoma, and Kentucky are the latest additions with GOP governors in each of those states recently signing bills into law.
[WINNING: GOP govs sign two campus free speech bills into law in two days]
These bills prevent public, government-funded colleges from enforcing “free speech zones” or limiting the free speech rights of students or faculty. For example, the Iowa bill, Senate File 274, prevents colleges from restricting resources to student groups based on ideology or viewpoint.
Legislative efforts to protect campus speech rights are underway in 16 states. Texas is particularly close to signing House Bill 2100, which has been adapted and passed by the state senate, into law. Texas governor Greg Abbott tweeted out his support of the adapted senate version in April, writing: “The Texas Senate passed a bill upholding free speech on college campuses. I look forward to signing it into law.”
[Texas campus free speech bill one step closer to law as Oklahoma leads the way]
These free speech laws are becoming more relevant after President Donald Trump’s March executive order declaring that colleges could lose federal research funding if they are found to be restricting students’ rights to free speech while on campus.
To see if your state has introduced or passed legislation, check out the map or list below:
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