Activists at Baruch College flaunt pro-Hamas symbol, anti-Semitic signs to protest Jewish group

The protest was directed against the school’s chapter of Hillel, an organization for Jewish students.

The anti-Israel protesters showcased a flag with an introverted red triangle, a sign that some have used to express support for Hamas, as well as a swastika inside a star of David.

Screenshot taken from X account of Oliya Scootercaster.

On Wednesday, anti-Israel groups at Baruch College in New York City demonstrated against a Jewish organization on campus by featuring anti-Semitic messaging.

The anti-Israel demonstrators carried a flag with the message, “It is right to rebel, Hillel go to hell,” that also featured an inverted red triangle, a symbol that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says is “now used to represent Hamas itself and glorify its use of violence.” 

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“The symbol first appeared in propaganda videos promoted by the al-Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas, which showed footage of Hamas terrorists attacking Israeli military targets,” the ADL says. 

Hillel is an international Jewish campus group with a presence in multiple American colleges and universities, and Hillel chapters have served as the central hub for Jewish student life and activities on these campuses.

One demonstrator also held another banner that featured a swastika inside a star of David and yelled out: “Synagogue of Satan.” 

The college’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)  and Muslim Student Association had a hand in planning the demonstration. The protest was allegedly triggered by Hillel’s organizing a trip for Baruch students to an Israeli Defense Forces base in the Jewish state.

The protest saw clashes between anti-Israel activists and counterprotesters, leading to nine total arrests. 

Anti-Israel activists have targeted Hillel chapters on multiple other campuses as well. 

On May 18, anti-Israel activists who started an encampment at Drexel University demanded that the school shut down Hillel on campus, as well as another Jewish group, Chabad. 

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On May 3, the SJP chapter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, launched a pro-Palestine tent encampment on campus and demanded, among other things, that the school end its relationships with all “Zionist institutions,” including Hillel International. 

Campus Reform has contacted Baruch College for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.