'Our Forever President': Claudine Gay honored with DEI award at Harvard's separate graduation for Black students

On May 21, disgraced former Harvard University president Claudine Gay received an award for her commitment to 'social justice' at an 'affinity graduation' for Black graduates.

Although Gay was not present for the award, she was reportedly recognized for her 'unwavering commitment to empowering students on their educational journeys.'

On Tuesday, former Harvard University president Claudine Gay was honored with an award for her “commitment to social justice” at an ‘affinity graduation’ event celebrating Black Harvard graduates in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Although Gay was not in attendance, two graduating students, Jada Haynes of Harvard Business School and Abigail Hall of Harvard Law School, were selected to present the Faculty Award to the former university president, as reported by The Harvard Crimson.

“Dr. Gay’s journey is a profile in grace and courage that has left an indelible mark on this institution. Her legacy within our community cannot be understated,” Hall reportedly stated during the event. “As the first Black president of Harvard, Dr. Gay shattered glass ceilings, substantiating the highest hopes of minorities who strive in academia.”

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According to the Crimson, the Faculty Award is given to a member of the Harvard faculty who “demonstrates a strong commitment to social justice” and to “issues related to race, class, and education.”

The ceremony was one of 11 so-called affinity graduations that Harvard is hosting this year. The ceremonies are sponsored by Harvard’s Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and are meant to “affirm the diversity of cultures, communities, and identities present at Harvard.”

More than 1,000 graduates and family members attended the ceremony, as noted by the Crimson.

Dean Marla Frederick of Harvard Divinity School accepted the award on Gay’s behalf, referring to her as Harvard’s “forever president.”

“On behalf of President Claudine Gay — our forever president — I truly want to thank you all for this award recognizing her strong commitment to social justice and her unwavering commitment to empowering students on their educational journeys,” Frederick reportedly said.

Frederick also asserted that although Gay resigned following much controversy, she continues to “teach” members of the university in “both word and deed.”

“Even though we are marking this celebratory graduation moment without President Gay at the helm the way many of us thought we would when celebrating at her inauguration — and certainly the way I anticipated when she appointed me as Dean of Harvard Divinity school just this past year — I want you to understand that in the midst of all that has transpired, she continues to teach us in both word and deed,” Frederick stated.

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Campus Reform has extensively covered Gay’s alleged plagiarism that ultimately led to her resignation as president in January. Despite the controversy, Gay is still employed at the university as the Wilbur A. Cowett Professor of Government and of African and African-American Studies.

In December, Gay also received widespread criticism for her inability to definitely state that calling for the genocide of Jews violates Harvard policies during a hearing before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Campus Reform has contacted Harvard University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.