Why is socialism so appealing to college students? Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips has a theory. (VIDEO)

Phillips cited those policies being sold as "compassionate" as just one of the reasons.

After asking students about Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, Cabot Phillips discussed why college students are so drawn to socialism.

Do young people, particularly college students, understand what socialism even is? 

That’s the question some are asking after Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips traveled to the University of Miami to ask students what they think of Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s proposed Green New Deal. 

[RELATED: VIDEO: Students all about Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’...then find out what’s in it]

Off the heels of his latest video, which garnered more than one million views on YouTube in just over 24 hours, Phillips joined Fox & Friends First to discuss some of the conversations he had with students. Specifically, Phillips discussed how students were initially supportive of the Green New Deal but later seemed more opposed after learning the details. 

On Wednesday morning, Phillips was asked just what it is about socialism that tends to draw young people, including college students. 

”It has a lot to do with how it’s being sold as compassionate. Many young people view these ideas as ‘free’ everything, not as unrealistic, but as something that’s helping people. Sadly, I think that stems from a lack of history and a lack of realization of what socialism has actually done throughout history and also I think it’s important to remember that these elements of the far-left Democrat Party, these more socialist elements, are no longer fringe on the left,” Phillips said. 

”Maybe it’s easy to view them as something to laugh off but this is a serious issue now. We have legitimate people now- Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris - all endorsing these things, legitimate 2020 candidates. These are no longer issues, these socialist policies that are on the fringe. They are in the mainstream of the Democrat Party,” Phillips added. 

[RELATED: ‘Socialism is the largest threat facing the future of our country’ (VIDEO)]

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